Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New Year

I’m leaving in 2014:
Self Doubt. In a year of weaknesses, miss-steps, struggle and absolute bare bones humility I learned that we’re all just people. Real life people. Pushing through the muck of night to taste the sweet of the morning sunshine. None of us are exempt from the hardships of existence and so I no longer allow myself to believe that my trials are from lack of strength. I may not handle all that’s thrown at me with grace, but I face it, and in 2015 I plan to give myself (and others) that credit; and try harder when it comes to grace.

I’m taking with me in to 2015:
Simplicity. I cut out much of the fat of my life in 2014, but I ended up cultivating a real love for what is simple. The quiet moments without a staged Instagram photo, a belly laugh with my husband while we cook in the kitchen, helping a friend even when I feel helpless. Those are the experiences I cherish. As it turns out I don’t really prefer wearing heels or attending large parties. For now anyway I feel more content at an intimate dinner with friends or an early night in watching a movie with Adam. I’ve always felt that way, but never accepted it about myself. Am I not the life of the party? Am I not fabulous? Should I wear more pearls?? Nah. In 2015 I’m taking the real Kristin with me. She’s fun, cultured and happy, but she also rarely likes exiting her comfy clothes.

I have much to be grateful for as I reflect on this past year and much to look forward to in 2015. I am thankful for the opportunities 2014 has given me to grow, change and evolve as a wife, sister, daughter, aunt and friend.

Happy New Year to all of you. I hope it brings a fresh start, insurmountable love, relief from pain & exciting days full of laughter.